Yesterday showed the start of an extremely late season snowfall. Despite the snow, two Western Sandpipers and a solitary Dowitcher were poking around the marsh near the Eklutna Tailrace on Friday. The sandpipers looked like they had cold feet on the snow and were looking hard for a bite to eat. Two American Wigeons swam on the Tailrace waters while Mew Gulls called from overhead.
Out at the Old Matanuska Townsite, a Greater Yellowlegs found some tasty treats in the water surrounded by 4 dabbling Green-winged Teals. Out in the grass, two late Sandhill Cranes hunkered down in disbelief at the fresh snow, glad they weren't farther north with their friends.
Today the sun came out in the afternoon to start melting the snow at Skyranch. The robins were quick to look for worms in the mud, the Tree Swallows swooped through the air picking up mosquitoes, and American Tree Sparrows, Savannah Sparrows, and Lapland Longspurs sorted through the grass in our yard.
The bird feeder has attracted a few small mammals, and a Great Gray Owl came gliding through the woods.
Greater Yellowlegs, Old Matanuska Townsite |
Greater Yellowlegs found some lunch. |
The scene on Friday at the Old Matanuska Townsite |
Sandhill Cranes wondering at the very late snowfall. |
American Tree Sparrow at Skyranch |
Savanah Sparrow: heavily streaked, yellow supraloral, strong mustache strip, small bill, and white belly. |
Lapland Longspur |
Hang in there everyone! This week will bring sunshine, warm weather, and relief for man and bird.